Thursday, October 24, 2013

The Secrets of Advertisements


There are different types of techniques in advertisements. In the one you will see has bandwagon and emotional appeal.Bandwagon is part of the "in" crowd.Everyone else is doing it so you ain't cool, if you don't.Emotional appeal is when it gives us a feeling of happiness, sadness, humor etc...When there is emotional appeal in  a commercial, it will get you in to it and making you want to buy it.When there is bandwagon in a commercial it is trying to make you get so then you will be cool like this commercial that you will see.There are some ways that they use emotional appeal like if you are watching a bulling commercial it will make you sad and maybe make you cry. But if you watch a funny commercial then it will make you laugh. In This commercial it would make you laugh or have a smile on your face. There are some ways when people use bandwagon. Like in this commercial the couple are in the way back and has a perfect picture but other people's phone in the commercial can't get as good pictures like the couple.

In this commercial you will laugh and at the end it shows bandwagon.

My Opinion

I feel that emotional appeal can get the audience's attention. I think that emotional appeal is the most important part in a commercial. The makers do that because they want you to buy the product so they do as much to make you feel something. In some commercials can grab you attention with sadness like those commercials when pets are being abused. Also, you can have a feeling of happiness like those dog food commercial when the owner from the military comes back home and her dog jumps on her and she feeds her dog food. Personally I would want to buy any product I see because it grabs me into it. Also, in my opinion that this commercial that you just saw gives you emotion but not information about the product. That is another part. If you want to get a product, most of it is from the emotion in to it. You would buy it but not know how to use it because you just pay attention from the details to the commercial.I think that this commercial could make money but the only problem is that they don't talk about the phone.

Also, bandwagon is important to a commercial because they are trying to make them look good to other
people.Like the commercial at the top, the people in the back think that they are cool because the have the Nokia. The makers do that because they want you to buy the product and all the sudden you will be cool. You really won't be cool only to your friends.They just say that so they can make you buy the product.They make them look cool to try to make you buy it cause then you will be cool.I think that a lot of people would buy a product with bandwagon in to it because some people might think that they actually will be in the in crowd.

Top 10 Videos of Emotional Appeal and Bandwagon!!!

In this commercial you might be sad or cry,.

Questions and Comments

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\Thank you i hoped you enjoyed my blog.!:)

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